My name is Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr and I’m currently working as an Assistant Professor of Ibero-Romance and General Linguistics at the University
of Basel in Switzerland. I’m responsible for the team of linguists for Spanish
at the Seminar for Ibero-Romance Studies, which comprises doctoral
students, lecturers and student collaborators, a task which gives me a lot of
joy and satisfaction.
I concluded my PhD in Ibero-Romance Linguistics in 2014 at the University of Basel and the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel-Freiburg under the supervision of Prof. em. Beatrice Schmid (University of Basel, CH) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Jacob (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, D). In my dissertation, published in 2015 in Hispanica Helvetica, vol. 27, I analyzed the expression of conditionality and concessivity in modern Judeo-Spanish. Through my work, I obtained interesting results about the history, linguistic features and language contacts of the Sephardic variety of the Spanish language.
Since 2016, I have
been working on my habilitation project about Equatorial Guinea. This small,
but culturally and linguistically diverse country in Central Africa, had caught
my attention already many years ago. Within Spanish linguistics, Equatorial
Guinea is of very special relevance: it is the only Spanish-speaking country on
the African continent (besides the politically sensitive case of Western Sahara).
In my habilitation project, I combine my focus on Africa with the topic of migration: I study the Equatoguinean community in Madrid, Spain, from a primarily sociolinguistic perspective.
Furthermore, since February 2021, I’m proud to lead the research project «Improving the visibility of Equatorial Guinea as a Spanish-speaking country», funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Within this project, M.A. Sara Carreira is doing her PhD about dialectological features of the Equatoguinean variety of Spanish. In February/March 2022 we travelled to Equatorial Guinea to collect sociolinguistic and dialectological data in different parts of the country. You can find some impressions about this fantastic research stay on my blog!
My main research interests are in the fields of Postcolonial Sociolinguistics and Dialectology (mainly about Spanish in Africa and Judeo-Spanish), Glottopolitics and Language Ideologies, Language Contacts (both Spanish in contact with other languages and contacts between different varieties of Spanish), Language and Migration, Morphosyntax and History of Spanish. My team is further working on the contact between Spanish and English in Gibraltar (M.A. Marta Rodríguez García), (im)politeness in Spanish (varieties of Madrid, Buenos Aires and Mexiko D.F.) from a sociopragmatic perspective (Dr. Alba Nalleli García Agüero-Patanè) and on teaching Spanish as a foreign language (Dr. Ángel Berenguer Amador).
Here you can find my institutional webpage of the University of Basel.
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