
Together with our faithful driver and a good friend we traveled from Niefang to Ebibeyin. Since we drove on the normal road (and not on the highway), we passed through many villages and were able to appreciate the beautiful scenery full of rainforest. The famous Mount Alén greeted us from afar as we left Niefang and entered Micomeseng province. From time to time there were roadside stalls selling a great diversity of animals: porcupine, antelope, alligator, caiman, bird, forest rat …

In total, we passed almost 20 check-points – patience! – luckily, we had all the documents they asked for… It was already getting dark when we arrived at our destination, Ebibeyin (Fang toponym meaning ‘pursue the foreigner’), very close to the frontier with Cameroon and Gabon. Just to be sure, for dinner we opted for a plate of white rice with nothing else: there were no vegetables or tomato sauce, and we avoided meat because several friends had warned us that it is common to eat dog meat here…

We worked with a group of high school students in the bishopric of Ebebiyin the whole morning of 4th March. In the afternoon, it was a bit more complicated, since the people who had told us that they could participate did not show up…


