Let’s go Bata!

During two weeks, we have been working on the island of Bioko – then (25th February) it was time to move to the continental part of Equatorial Guinea: Río Muni. After a 30 minute flight in a small Cronos airplane, we arrived safely in Bata, the country’s largest city. Bata welcomed us with its beautiful Paseo Marítimo – and many new friends were waiting for us. Let’s go team Bata!

In the next 10 days we will try to collect as much research data as possible both in Bata and in some localities in the interior of Río Muni. Already on our first day here, Saturday 26th, we got the opportunity to work with more than 15 people in the Colegio Santa Mónica, thanks to the excellent preparation and coordination done by two great friends of ours. It’s an enormous pleasure to be here – thank you, Mange and Celestina!