Monographic volume on Equatorial Guinea
I am happy to announce the publication of our monographic volume on Equatorial Guinea in the Open Access journal Quo Vadis, Romania? The volume entitled Guinea Ecuatorial: la pluralidad de sus culturas, lenguas y literaturas unites the most recent research on the country from a cultural, literary and linguistic perspective. Colonial literature is represented as well as recently published works by young Equatoguinean authors; and alternative media such as Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel’s blog or Ramón Esono Ebalé’s caricatures are also analyzed from a literary perspective. Susana Castillo Rodríguez and Justo Bolekia Boleká represent linguistic research, on the one hand on the multilingual repertoires of Equatoguineans, and on the other on Bubi. The autochthonous languages are also the subject of Donato Ndongo Bidyogo's essay. Finally, two historical-anthropological contributions round off the volume.
All those interested in current research on Equatorial Guinea are cordially invited to view the volume available online!
A big thank you for the good collaboration to my co-editors: Julia Borst, Elisa Rizo and Max Doppelbauer!