Romance languages and colonialism

This year’s Romanistisches Kolloquium (RQ XXXVII) took place in Hannover, Germany, from November 17th to 19th 2022. During these days, we discussed a broad range of linguistic topics, and historical and geographic settings, traveling mentally from Latin America to Africa and Asia and back to Europe. From different linguistic perspectives and looking at various Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese), we altogether discussed Eurocentric practices and other colonial legacies in our discipline.

Together with my colleague Dr. Katrin Pfadenhauer (Universität Bayreuth), I presented a comparative talk about Eurocentric practices in language description in Equatorial Guinea and Mexico: «(Neo)Koloniale Sprachbeschreibung: Eine komparative Analyse eurozentrischer Praktiken am Beispiel des Spanischen in Äquatorialguinea und Mexiko».

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Lidia Becker (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and her team for the great organization of the colloquium and their hospitality!
